Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Maybe it's just a case of curiosity

 I saw Peter Taylor’s name in the paper the other day and went off on a long train of thought. When I posted a note the other day, I started to say: I’m apparently at the age when a certain detail, even just a name, can derail me. 

In other words, I started to blame it on my age.

In reality, I think I’ve always been this way.

When something interests me, I follow that interest. And so I have to work longer hours to get things done — longer, that is, than those highly disciplined people who stick to the task and ignore the distractions.

I tend to pay attention to the distractions. And, if the distractions are interesting, I follow my curiosity out the window. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t that way.

I can complain about the many problems of advancing age. But I don’t think that’s one of them.


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