Saturday, March 5, 2022

A report from the creek: redbuds and beebalm

 A week ago, the lows were in the 30s, and we were bringing tender plants in at night. We turned on the air conditioner for the first time this year on the day after Texas Independence Day. The thermometer in the shade said 82.

So many things are going on along the creek it’s hard to keep up.

On March 2, I found a redbud tree in bloom. It happened almost overnight. The blossoms on this one are somewhere between magenta and purple. It was a flash of neon.

Then subtlety: Between the stands of dead cattail foliage are a few beebalm plants, Monarda citriodora. It’s the colors that are fascinating — all greens. The range is from a delicate, light green — kind of like an apple — to white with just a tint of green.

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