Thursday, March 31, 2022

The bluebonnets are blooming

 Sorry, but you can’t really write, and write about Texas, and not mark the day. I saw my first stand of bluebonnets on March 27 on an outing to Medina River Natural Area, a wonderful place just south of town.

Others reported earlier, bigger and more splendid stands. But the stand just north of the river on Highway 16 was the one that delighted me.

Years ago, I attended a Sunday school class taught by a retired professor. He always began each session with a standing agenda item: “Things that Make the Heart Glad.” Each member of the class had to report some wonder or delight from the past week. The teacher’s name was Don Streeter, and his gift to us was stressing the importance of taking note of those small bits of joy that we might otherwise overlook.

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