Monday, October 10, 2022

Another way to look at thrift

 Another way to look at the virtue of thrift: Philip Gulley, a Quaker minister, told of an elderly woman who “lived simply so she could give generously.”

It seems that part of being thrifty is simply learning how to say, “That’s enough.” If you are satisfied with your portion, you might be surprised how much you have to give others.

Conversely, if you are not satisfied with your portion, but want the whole pie, you might be a billionaire and still manage to spend all your time whining that the world is unfair — to you. Your unstrained appetites make you think that everything’s about you and your grievances that you don’t have everything you want. Your neighbors don’t matter in that kind of calculation.

I think the virtue of thrift is connected to democracy — that this virtue contributes to our ability to live in a society where ordinary people rule.

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